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  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟
  • 香港艺银格银饰加盟



主营行业: 饰品 > 银饰



成立年份:2001 门店总数:12




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香港艺银格银饰 公司介绍


  深圳市艺银格首饰有限公司成立于1999年,公司自成立以来始终以迅捷的姿态走在时尚前沿,公司集研发、设计、生产、加工、销售为一体大型珠宝首饰企业。  公司拥有现代化生产基地面积约2000平方米,总部展厅经营面积1000多平方米,各类设计、生产、营销、管理人员超过500多人。公司期下拥有二个珠宝生产基地、及“珩兴源”“香港艺银格”二个零售品牌,500多家长期合作的分销商,服务遍布中国30多个省份,新的市场和区域还在不断扩展。  公司致力于向全球传播自己独特的首饰文化,帮助消费者更清楚的认识和表达自己,并将此视为公司的责任和义务,不断努力。秉承银饰“时尚、唯美”一贯的个性宣言,以精湛的制作工艺独一无二的艺术设计,使其成为了时代的杰作,倍受高品位时尚人士的热爱和追求,把传统与现代华丽交织在一起,是后现代时尚生活的完 美代言。  Shenzhen Shi Yiyinge Jewelry Ltd was founded in 1999. The company has always been the most rapid leader of the forefront of fashion since its beginning. The company has its own research ,development, design, production, processing and sales departments of large jewelry enterprises.  The company has a modern production base area of about 2000 square meters. The Headquarters' exhibition hall operating area is more than 1000 square meters, with all kinds of design, production, marketing, management staff of more than 500 people. There are two jewelry production bases, and "Heng Xing Yuan" "Hong Kong Yiyinge" two retail brands, more than 500 long-term cooperative distributors, services more than 30 provinces in China. New markets and regions continue to expand.  The company is committed to disseminate its unique jewelry culture to the world, helping consumers understand and express themselves more clearly, and those are the company's responsibilities and obligations, and constantly efforts. "Fashion & beauty" is always the slogan of the company .Exquisite craftsmanship &unique art design, so that it became the masterpiece of the Times,.High-taste fashionista love and pursuit our products . Traditional and modern gorgeous interwoven together , Shenzhen Shi Yiyinge Jewelry Ltd is the perfect spokesman of the post-modern fashion of life.

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